First Down with Fr. Eric (July 17, 2022)

Posted on: Jul 14, 2022

Dear Friends,  

On June 24, the Supreme Court officially made a decision that addressed Roe v. Wade. Many of us were aware that a decision was coming soon. I reminded parishioners that there were going to be some issues coming that were going to be very emotional, as well as elections that are around the corner.

For myself I have learned how one might respond to parishioners and others when important events happen. Responding quickly does not always work, as people’s emotions can cause them not to hear, or be in a good place. Secondly, people who respond quickly can use information that is not accurate or has changed. So many times public media figures and others have to apologize or take back what they stated. Sometimes a quick response cannot let our best version out, and we can wound people.

On Thursday, June 30, I sent out our official response to the decision on our email connection. It was sent out again the following Thursday. It is always available on our parish website on the front page. In today’s bulletin that official statement is included as well. The statement gives parishioners and others a sense of how we are responding and how we will continue to respond.

Remembering to practice charity in dealing with others, we will continue to address all life issues that the Gospel of Life calls us to lift up.

Peace in Christ,

Fr. Eric

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