First Down with Fr. Eric (July 14, 2024)

Posted on: Jul 13, 2024

Dear Friends,

When one finds oneself dealing with a serious issue, crisis, or serious health concern there is so much to deal with. One can become occupied with the many tasks that need to be done and full attention must be given to the most important things to do.  

In the midst of everything, we might want to remember that when one is unable to come to Mass regularly for serious reasons, it is good to call the Parish Office and request Holy Communion be brought to the person(s). The Ministry of Care is made up of trained parishioners, who can bring Communion, prayers, and spiritual items to those who are homebound, in care facilities, hospitals, and other places of care. I have come across people who have gone many weeks or even months without receiving Holy Communion. Sometimes they are overwhelmed with all that is happening or unfortunately one assumes that no one is available to bring Communion to them.  

So I remind all parishioners who might find themselves, family members, friends, or neighbors who are unable to attend Mass for serious reasons, to please call St. Patrick and request the Ministry of Care to bring Communion. Holy Communion might be just the right thing for those who feel lonely, separated from others, or in need of healing.                                         

I am grateful to all the Ministers of Care who give their time to visit the sick and homebound. They do make a big difference to those in need. 

Peace in Christ,

Fr. Eric

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Fr. Eric Tellez
ext. 175