First Down with Fr. Eric (January 26, 2025)

Posted on: Jan 26, 2025

Dear Friends,

There are three sacraments that, when received, we are fully initiated into the Catholic family. The sacraments are Baptism, Confirmation, and Eucharist. Eucharist completes initiation. Confirmation can be very confusing for many people as Bishops in their own Diocese can set the age requirement to receive Confirmation. Traditionally it was right at baptism, as a sealing of the Holy Spirit received with baptism. Different decisions for each Diocese cause some people to miss or not receive the sacrament of confirmation. So every year at this time we invite any baptized adult who has not been confirmed to please contact us for a very brief preparation and to receive the sacrament at Easter time. If any parishioner knows people who have missed this sacrament, it might be a good opportunity to invite them to inquire about receiving this sacrament.  

You may contact Lenny Kelly at the parish office or email him at, to have a conversation on how to begin this process for Confirmation. We are glad to help people participate in the sacramental life of the community.

Peace in Christ,

Fr. Eric

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Fr. Eric Tellez
ext. 175